A lot of my musics it's really, the sad style. But this is because every music i feel something when composing the song. Every day were happening a lot of sad things, and i was keeping more sad and sad. But then i knew that this is happening because i'm changing myself to another level, i'm growing. I don't feel more sad than before, but i'm still proud of doing musics. I'm learning every music i do, with the guys. Thank you for commenting at my musics, this makes me continue, and i feel so happy!!! Don't give up at your dreams. Sometimes sad or bad things happens to encorage you for learn how to live the real life. You learn with all mistakes you do. I say, don't care for things the angry or bad people say, Live because you was born, and this means you need to live. Life is hard, but don't give up, never! I know it's so much hard but, this is how things works.
Yes,we all have to live our lives to the fullest.