I like your evolving, just need some sub-bass and more consistency like a new pattern or else feels boring but, your acid-notation-like is very good!!
I like your evolving, just need some sub-bass and more consistency like a new pattern or else feels boring but, your acid-notation-like is very good!!
My variations fails a lot... or i think that ^^°
Thanks a lot
i'm glad i saw this. I'm glad you're glad of me being glad
I'm glad you're glad ✌️
Your melodies are seriously good, amazing, incredible, fantastic, so goooooooooooood
Thanks, Sarah! Same can be said for you.
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oh i understand how it feels, well do not forget to have fun making songs and expressing yourself, it's important.
this song is so good, it feels professional :D
Thanks :D i havent been able to make anything im happy with for a while, maybe at some point i can make new music again
amazing amazing amazing amazing
ty! :D
I like this. Surely cool i guess? Very.
I think speedcore fits, this is your probably best song :)
I'm glad you like it. :) I was a little worried about the song since it was supposed to be a speedcore song at first but I then changed it and wanted to make a hardcore song. I then wanted to experiment with some things so I just decided to combine everything and see what would happen. I'm glad it came out okay
Although it's not heavy at all, i like it! The chiptune part at 00:02 is a little out of tune but if it's intentional should be fine i guess :)
yep, it seems that it was out of tune, I noticed it, that's the scale I used, but you get used to it and it sounds good lol
This is so beautiful, am i dreaming?
Maybe, I can't answer that question :)
I love your style
How beautiful melody! It is like on a road, happily energy driving. Or chilling on a car.
Thanks a lot, i love the roads in the nature ^^
Hi, i'm just an eletronic music producer and sometimes artist.
Age 17, Female
Music producer
Joined on 7/20/19